
“Zeszyty Artystyczne” (“Art Notebooks”) is an academic peer-reviewed journal focusing on the broad perspective of issues regarding visual arts, humanities and art education. This journal, published by the Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies, Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts in Poznań, Poland, uniquely combines scholarly analysis and critical artistic methods of creating and writing. It has been published since 1983, being the only academic and artistic journal with such a long tradition in Poland. The referential version is the paper edition, which is published twice a year. 

History and Overview

The journal “Zeszyty Artystyczne” was founded in 1983 and the chief editor was the artist Jan Berdyszak. Among the editorial committee at the time were: Grzegorz Dziamski, Rafał Grupiński, Alicja Kępińska, Jarosław Kozłowski, Andrzej Kurzawski, Wojciech Müller. Afterwards, for numerous years the editor in chief was Marek Wasilewski, then, since 2014  – Justyna Ryczek. From April 2024 the editor in chief is Ewa Wójtowicz.

First editions were designed by Grzegorz Marszałek, then, between 2003 and 2016 the graphic layout has been designed by Mirosław Pawłowski. From the 29th issue the graphic designer is Bartosz Mamak.

The founders of “Zeszyty Artystyczne” noticed a need for a cross-disciplinary journal that is a forum and means of communication between artists, theorists and cultural workers from Poznań, Polish academia, and beyond. The journal has been published by the leading academic institution in the field of artistic education in Poland, despite changing its name, accordingly, from the PWSSP to Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań (ASP) in 1996 and finally to the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts in Poznań (UAP) in 2010. From 2016 the journal is published by the Faculty of Artistic Education and Curatorial Studies.

Selected issues of “Zeszyty Artystyczne” are bilingual, with articles published in Polish and translated to English. This was possible due to the grants received from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2018-2019) and the Ministry of Education and Science (2022-2023). Apart from the grants, the journal publishes abstracts in English, as well as titles of articles and keywords.

Also, the archive of the journal has been digitized as a part of the project supported by one of the grants, aimed at the development of scholarly journals.

So far the numerous monographic editions of “Zeszyty Artystyczne” covered such topics as:

  • TEXTILE ART. In the face of contemporary times 
  • Mysteries – Rituals – Performances. The Aesthetic Dimension
  • Sound in non-musical artistic activities,
  • Polish school of poster – genesis, clashes, continuation,
  • Art in the face of the world,
  • Centers and peripheries – geographical idiom in audiovisual arts,
  • Curatorial strategies,
  • Museum education,
  • Art and philosophy: #now,
  • Context / Contextualism. Between theory and practice,
  • Illegibility,
  • Educational potential of photography,
  • Ritual and correspondence of arts,
  • Education in the context of neoliberal policy of profitability,
  • On the verge of art and psychology,
  • Axiological boundaries of art,
  • Impossible/Possible. Fiction in artistic creation,
  • Visual literacy,
  • Design – between art and science,
  • New media art and its cultural contexts,

Mission and Statement

Since 1983, “Zeszyty Artystyczne” has aimed to be a leading artistic and scholarly journal in the scope of reflection upon art within Polish academia. The key research issues are sought from the intersection of arts and humanities, with an emphasis on art education and examining creative activity in the local, national and international art scenes. Each issue is monographic and is edited by a commissioning editor. This approach results in a broad discussion and fosters a multidimensional, collaborative overview of the chosen topics. In order to document the artistic life around Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts in Poznań, every issue of “Zeszyty Artystyczne” contains reviews of books and exhibitions, and a list of current exhibitions in galleries connected to the University.

After many years, “Zeszyty Artystyczne” still continues to identify new paths in the interdisciplinary discourse, thus creating opportunities for a fruitful exchange of ideas between practitioners in the field of arts and humanities.

Preparing the paper

Since 2012 “Zeszyty Artystyczne” journal has been registered by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on the official list of scholarly journals, with a Unique Identification Number 496752 and granted with 20 points. The assigned discipline is art studies in the field of humanities. Every issue is theme oriented, with content meeting the aims and scope of the Call for Papers (CfP). The articles are peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers, who are not affiliated with the University that is publishing the journal. The reviewing policy as well as ethical standards are described on the journal website.

The journal “Zeszyty Artystyczne” is published twice a year. All the published articles are made available in the following repositories: EBSCO, POLONA / Digital Repository of the National Library, BazHum, ERIH PLUS, and Issuu. All texts published in previous issues are archived and accessible at za.uap.edu.pl.

Authors are required to sign the license agreement and to acknowledge that no fees are payable for published texts. Authors are also required to obtain written permission to reuse any third-party materials (illustrations, figures, tables, diagrams, etc.) in their articles. Authors provide their affiliations as well as ORCID numbers.

As of 2023, articles submitted to “Zeszyty Artystyczne” should be prepared in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style standard: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html

Articles (20,000–40,000 characters, including spaces) should be sent to: zeszyty.artystyczne@uap.edu.pl

Submissions should also contain:

– abstract (up to 300 words) and 6 relevant keywords;

– author details (bio up to 700 characters with spaces, affiliation, main publications, field of interests, ORCID number);

– attached bibliography in Chicago standard.


Text should be formatted in Times New Roman (main text: 12 points, footnotes: 10 points) in editable format (docx, odt, rtf). Line spacing: 1.5.

In articles and footnotes, please use italics for titles of books, movies, artworks and foreign words (e.g., Latin).

In bibliographies, the whole range of pages should be provided in the case of articles in journals or chapters in monographs.

DOI numbers should be provided when available.

Quotations up to 50 words should be written in simple font, enclosed within quotation marks. For more than 50 words, please use a block quote without quotation marks. A quote within “quoted text should be enclosed in ‘single’ quotation marks”. Omissions in quotations are enclosed in square brackets […]